Saturday, April 16, 2011

Garage Sailing - part 2

I'm back for the crafty part of "Garage Sailing"! Here are all of the crafty (totally vintage!) Pieces of 'junk'!!!: Hooks and Eyes:
15 cents?!!? Wow, these must be from along time ago!
Lots of snaps!
25 cents for each bag?? How could I refuse???!
A few squares of fabric... don't know what I'm going to do with them yet.



All of this was $1.50. :D I KNOW I don't need ANY more fabric... but seriously... how could some sane person refuse? Or maybe that's just me.... That's all for today! I need to go do something crafty now..... with fabric... any cool sugestions of easy (hehehe) stuff to make with fabric scraps? I'd love to hear any ideas or websites!



1 comment:

khf2010 said...

Ahh!! This blog post got me so excited. I have an old trunk FULL of this kind of stuff, plus tons of old patterns and neat fabric. My Grandmother was a seamstress, and left tons of stuff from her craft behind.