So I went from the 300's to 600's to over 1000 pageviews today... but why? None of my recent posts have nearly any page views...
I mean, on Megan's Color Block Scarf I had 10 THOUSAND pageviews... {amazing, right?!!} {ok, well at least for me, I'm sure all of you big bloggers are used to it.}
So you'd think pageviews going up is a good thing, right? It is I suppose, but what I love more than pageviews are comments, and I haven't gotten one comment in the past 4 days! ;'(
I've been working hard rounding up items for my 200 follower giveaway... which might never happen. I've been at 180 for a week or so {I usually gain 2-5 a week} and I lost one today! What's going on?!?! I feel kind of stupid asking all of these people to sponsor and donate when it's going to be another few months until I actually have 200 followers and get to do my epic giveaway :)
So all in all this was really a pointless post... thanks for reading if you made it all the way through :) And then I wonder, can you even comment? Is something not working? If it's not please just click one of the reaction buttons at the bottom of this post and I'll fix it if it's not working.
Thanks my dears! And if you ever want to send people over to follow me {I'm dieing to do this giveaway!!} go right ahead :) I might even feature you if you do ;)
Love you all!

Haha i'll send some of my "siblings" over to check out your blog :)
I think its really cute ;)
Thats really cool that you almost have 200 followers!
My blog it still very unpopular :( haha
-Becca @
I can comment! But then you probably knew that because I never shut up.
Sometimes someone with a big-huge-deal-blog will link to an old post of yours and your pageviews will go ballistic. That's happened to me before. I thought the post they linked to on mine was kind of lame, but well, whatever! ;-)
I'm happy to do another giveaway with you, by the way! After all, your blog is bigger than mine!! :-)
I had the same thing happen-- my stats looked almost exactly the same as yours (except for a dip every now and then when I hadn't posted much), and then last week I got over 1,500 pageviews in one day (normally I get between 100-400). Blogger tells you where your incoming URLs are from, and apparently someone with a big-time blog had linked one of my projects.
Weird thing, no one commented and during all of last week, I only got 1 more follower (I normally notice an increase in followers that is pretty proportional to an increase in traffic).
It's weird. :P I think I prefer fewer pageviews but more interaction, it makes me feel like people are actually paying attention. Looks like I'm not the only one. :)
As far as commenting goes-- for awhile I was unable to comment on ANY blogs, but then I realized that there was a cookies issue with my new browser. IDK, maybe some of your followers have that problem?
And concerning the giveaway, I'm still open do doing a giveaway for those earrings-- email me when you are ready. :)
I've had the same experience lots of views no comments but then I go to pintrest and I have lots of pins. Who knows. I sent you a guest blog post. Hope you like it and hope it gets you to over 200 soon!! You have the best give aways!! Cheers!!
You're doing better than I am at the moment... So busy and I've got writers block, yuck... I haven't been doing much on my blog. But your blog, of course, is still growing. :) I'm slightly jealous.
yeh definately your blog have some good stuff.....:)
I looked at my stats today & everything had just dropped off. No clue why, but there was just NOTHING there... Very strange!
I'm thinking blogger is a little wonkey right now. And there's been MAJOR problems with posting comments. I changed mine from the style yours is now to the pop up version... Not sure if I'm explaining that well or not, but since I changed it, haven't had any problems.
I'm going to post about your blog on mine & maybe some of my whooping 17 followers, (I love them all!), will come over & check you out! = )
Keep up the great work lady!
love this blog!!
Getting 10,0000 views on a post?!!! That's amazing! You have much to be proud of. Don't stress too much! lol
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