Today we have the lovely Maridith from Strictly Homemade here showing us how to make our own wreath forms, and after that she'll show us how she made hers into an amazing Halloween wreath! I'll stop blabbing and let you get to the real post :)
Hi, my name is Maridith from Strictly Homemade. I am a domestic engineer, married to my best friend and have 3 beautiful children. I strive to make everything homemade (within reason). I love sewing/crafting for my children, home, friends, and when I have time myself. I am a firm believer that homemade rules and pre-fab drools!! I hope to inspire others to dust off their sewing machine or glue guns and explore their creative side and make something homemade!! It is the best feeling in the world!
If you ask me, wreaths are expensive. Go to Michael’s Craft Store, Hobby Lobby, etc and you will pay at least $30 for a halfway decent wreath. Then you say to yourself “I can make that for less then that” then by the time you buy all the pieces you need to make your wreath you have spent $30 and there is no guarantee it will look as good as the professionals. This whole scenario is the reason I have 2 wreaths.
Here is a Halloween wreath that I made for my sister the wreath form cost me 50 cents! Actually the whole thing cost me 50 cents but this is not typical of most crafters. Wanna know how??
First, I will be honest the reason I was able to make 80% of this wreath for $0 is I am seamstress; therefore, I have LOTS of scrap material. I always tell people you have any piece of material larger than 6”X6” keep it. You never know when you will use it again. Case-n-point!!
SECOND, I found an EXCELLENT alternative to a premade wreath form. Pool Noodles.
End of the season sales have these babies 50 cents or less. I picked up 6 at this price. My kids thought I was crazy but they can’t see the method to my madness!!
Here is how I made my wreath form…
Figure 1: Determine the circumference you would like and cut off the remaining noodle with a bread knife. (be sure to cut off some even if it is 3”)
Figure 2: With the extra piece cut a wedge or keystone piece like so. This will help make the wreath a circle rather then an oval.
Figure 3: Cut another wedge the length of the extra piece like so.
Figure 4; The long wedge will be inserted in the center of the keystone piece.
Figure 5: Insert the long wedge piece into one end of the noodle and then the other.
Figure 6: Use clear scotch tape and wrap…
Figure 7: Your finished wreath form
Then wrap with fabric and decorate as desired. Here are some close-ups of this wreath. Ready for HALLOWEEN!!
Witches Shoes
Fabric Flowers
I hope you enjoyed how to make a wreath form for 50 cents!!
I have a weekly linky party called Strictly Homemade Tuesday were you can share your homemade goodies! Come on by!
Thanks Alyssa for having me here at Live. Love. Craft!!
Thanks Maridith! I've loved having you! I'll definitely be making my own wreath forms from now on :)

Wow what a great (and amazingly cute) wreath! I sure do love it! I will def be using this method to make my christmas wreath!!
OMGosh, what a clever idea! Fangtabulous! You are so smart to think of that - thanks for sharing, I'm heading out to Wal-mart right now! LOL, they can serve for any wreath! yay!
please, visit.
thank you!
This is a huge help! I want to make handmade gifts for Christmas this year and you just showed me how to save a bunch of money. Thank you!
I have to just tell you thank you so much for sharing this post. I have been wanting to make several wreaths for different holidays and I have put it off because of how expensive wreath forms are. This is such an awesome idea! Thanks!
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