All of my pillowcases are so kiddish... I wanted something more plain and pretty for once :) So I made this! Even though no one sees my pillows... oh well :)
For this tutorial you just need some fabric {any kind really... I used cotton I think}
Some lace string stuff {like I used here and here}
A sewing machine
And a premade pillow case for template
I put the simple version of what you do in the images, but I'll explain a little more on each step.
space away from the edges 1-2 inches like this |
flip it over so that two pillowcases would fit, as if you cut this pillowcase open and unfolded it. |
cut on the far edge and then cut straight down the top edge so that your fabric is 2x the width of the pillowcase and the same length. Leave 1-2 inches all around the edges. |
{right sides together} then sew up the bottom and side. flip it out again and put on your pillow! |
So... did you like the tutorial? I hope you did!
Any ideas for tutorials? Pretty please email me if you do!
Thanks guys! Please follow and we'll have an amazing blog bash with tons of giveaways when I hit 200! I just need 20 more lovely followers and we'll be there!

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