Friday, March 23, 2012


So, if you haven't noticed i am nearing 400 followers. :) YAYYY ;p So i want to have a big.huge.giveaway when i hit 400. So i need you to help me out here. Let's make this thing the best giveaway EVERRR!

if you have a blog. a shop. an etsy. anything. I would LOVE to have you give some of your items/ad space away! If you're interested, I'll pay you back by giving you free ad for one month on my sidebar. :D plus you'll get a lot of traffic from your giveaways. So it's a win for you and a win for my followers ;) and work for me... :p

Anyways if you're interested shoot me an email. i'll be waiting... :)

and since every post needs a picture...

koala hats for the win ;)


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha your cute. See ya in the morning! bright eyed and bushy tailed. :)


Anonymous said...

P.s. you have a nice chin. Just like Joshie ;) teehee